OL Training

OL Paddling Trips - Camps

When and Where

Weekend Paddling

Weekends are exciting: Join the Surfski School Academy and improve your skills, join the Ocean Paddler group to improve your fitness or just enjoy your Sunday with a Travel and Paddle Experience

Paddling Acadamy

Saturday morning sessions 9 to 11 am where we teach and improve on the 5 Skills of Surfski Paddling, by improving you can move up the 4 Levels to become an Ocean Expert

Travel and Paddle

Sunday Moring brings around the the Fun and adventure side of surfski Paddling where we paddle different routes and locations, explore the wonders that Thailand has to offer. What island is next?

Saturday Morning 7am till 9 am  Ocean Paddler Session

Sunday Morning Travel and Paddle

Saturday Morning 10am till mid day Paddle Acadamy Session

Saturday Afternoon Ocean Advanced Session

When and Where

Tuesdays  Thursdays

The Paddlers meet as Sea Lions Club 5pm in the afternoon for a Squad Session Leas by the Squad leader follows a progressive Program to improve the fitness and ability of out paddlers

Profesional Training

Train with our Internationally Qualified Instructors and top paddlers, to improve your own paddling abilities, while using specialized equipment

Progressive Program

Training on a progressive program turns a Novice into a Pro as they keep improving on the 5 essential skills of surfski paddling